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Revision 259 (Claudia Wartenberg, 09/25/2020 09:18 AM) → Revision 260/335 (Claudia Wartenberg, 10/12/2020 10:42 AM)

h1. Wiki 

 h2. Section 1.4 seminars 

 Room A17, 10.27 and time always 10:00 (if not mentioned otherwise). 

 |*Date*          |*Who*                                 |*Topic*       |        
 | 17.09.         |                                      |              | 
 | 24.09.         | | | 
 | 01.10.         | Kathrin Ward Zoom-Meeting beitreten    Meeting-ID: 941 5487 4635, Kenncode: 165959                                   |Mapping soil organic carbon with hyperspectral imagery and LUCAS Soil | 
 | 08.10.         | PHD & WGL Meeting Haus H, Hörsaal           |              | 
 | 29.10.         |    |       | 
 | 05.11.         | Julia Neelmeijer via ZOOM; Meeting-ID: 987 6439 3203;  
 Kenncode: 751249 | Info event about sustainable Software Development at Section 1.4 / Overview about Sec. 1.4 GFZ GIT and GIT Workshop Offer |              | 
 | 12.11.         | WG: EO mission development and data processing; Niklas Bohn via ZOOM ; Meeting-ID: 957 1536 8786; Kenncode: 193084 |    Optimal estimation of snow and ice surface parameters from spaceborne imaging spectroscopy measurements            | 
 | 19.11.         | Andreas Goldschmidt, Meeting-ID: 951 9766 0520, Kenncode: 884413 | Sektionsseminar Arbeitssicherheit Expeditionen & Feldeinsätze             | 
 | 26.11.         | WG: Integration of in-situ and remote sensing data (TERENO)    |              | 
 | 03.12.         | Doris Dransch via ZOOM; Meeting-ID: 929 8655 4550; Kenncode: 735017    |        POF IV+ Mitarbeitergespräche IV           | 
 | 10.12.         | WG: Radar and optical remote sensing for geohazards    |              | 
 | 17.12.         |    |              | 
 | 14.01.         | WG: Earth-Atmosphere Interactions (TEAM) |              | 
 | 21.01.         |    Friederike Klos    ZOOM Meeting    Meeting-ID: 988 5816 0991, Kenncode: 498157 |    HyPhy      | 
 | 28.01.         | WG: Big Data Analytics |              | 
 | 11.02.         | WG: Technology transfer in remote sensing; Haus H Hörsaal + Zoom ; Meeting ID 968 4677 5537; Kenncode: 756009    |    Overview about activities and progress of FERN.Lab    | 
 | 18.02.         |    |              | 
 | 25.02.         | WG: Hyperspectral remote sensing applications |              | 
 | 04.03.         |    |      | 
 | 11.03.         | WG: EO mission development and data processing|        |