


Exporting SLC backscattered signal in a tiff file

Added by Alessandro Novellino about 6 years ago

Dear community,
I have a very simple problem, I am trying to export as .tif file the SLC files geenrated with GAMMA. The data type must be float 64 so I can preserve the dB values (usually between -40 and +10)
However, the rasSLC command allows just to generate 8-bit raster image, so in the end I have a re-scaled image in the range 0-255.
Is there any suggestion on which command is best to use?

Thanks in advance!

Best Regards,

Replies (2)

Exporting SLC backscattered signal in a tiff file - Added by Charles Werner about 6 years ago


What you want to do is quite simple with the Gamma data2tiff command (for data
that have not been geocoded) or
data2geotiff command for terrain referenced or geocoded data.

First convert the data to dB values that are 4-byte floating point using the
program float_math (option 4).
Then convert the dB floating point file to tiff format

Best regards,
Charles Werner
