


offset_pwr_tracking issue

Added by Yi Zang about 9 years ago

Hello all,

I was using this offset_pwr_tracking function when processing Scentinel-1 data. I was able to process one sets of data whereas get a error saying:
"ERROR: no points available for determining average intensity, change rstart,rstop, azstart,azstop as required". I used the whole image during processing, so rstart, rstop, azstart and azstop is basically the start and ending index for SLC image range/azimuth. Since I can only access this function as executable, I can't figure out what is causing this error. Any help?

Thank you very much!

Replies (1)

offset_pwr_tracking issue - Added by Charles Werner about 9 years ago

.Hello Yi,
Is the image all zero? To get that error message, the image is either zero size
or all blank.

The average intensity is determined from the entire image and is independent of
the rstart, rstop, azstart, azstop parameters.
I have corrected the error message.

Best regards,
