


TanDEM-X data pre-processing

Added by Yi Zang about 9 years ago

Hello all,

I am experiencing a segmentation fault when I am trying to convert TanDEM-x data into SLC format. I am using par_TX_SLC program.

Some times, the programs run for a bit and sometimes the segmentation fault appears right away.

I understand that segmentation fault happens when trying to access undefined memory space. In my case, it might be the image size is not the same as defined in the xml file? What else can cause this issue?

In a TanDEM-x data folder, there is a TDX data folder and a TSX data folder. There is a annotation file(*.xml) for them together, and with in each data folder there is also a annotation file (i.e one annotation file for TDX data and one annotation file for TSX data). I used par_TX_SLC program to process TDX and TSX data separately (by giving the annotation file for each of them) but it gives me the segmentation fault I mentioned above. I tried to access the data using POLSARpro and it suggests that TDX is the master and TSX is the slave. So I believe TDX and TSX data should be processed together somehow. However in the ISP user's Guide there is no guidelines about this situation.

With in the attachment are the three annotation file I mentioned.

My question is:
Are TDX and TSX data suppose to be process separately or together? If separately, then what is causing the segmentation fault. If together, which program should I use to process them?


Replies (1)

Segmentation Fault - Added by Charles Werner about 9 years ago

Make sure that you are using SLC data as the input from strip-map or
spotlight mode data.
Also make sure that you are using the par_TX_SLC version 2.0 from the
current release of the
gamma software.
Charles Werner
