


How to extract displacement values in the bounding box

Added by deepAI M almost 5 years ago

Hi Charles,

I am trying extract the displacement values within bounding region using below equation, X and Y coordinates of 4 corners are (1260,80), (1260,290), (1490,80)(1490,290)

prox_prt pt pmask_A pdisp_ts_A 1300 150 200 200 - 2 test2.txt 1 25

But I am not getting all values with in the region but outside values are. did I mentioned correct way

Thank you

Replies (1)

RE: How to extract displacement values within the bounding box - Added by deepAI M almost 5 years ago

Hi Charles,

Can you please help me how to extract the displacement values within rectangular box or square box using prox_prt?

Thank you

Best regards
