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offset tracking trend
Added by alain an about 5 years ago
I try process ice shelf velocity based on S1 data, but here is huge value in stable region.
Firstly, I want to co-register Sentinel images using precise orbit rather than DEM.
And my velocity results have huge trend in velocity filed especially in stable region that have big trend. If we subtract trend then we get reasonal results.
Here my script
create_offset $master.slc.par $slave.slc.par $master'_'$ 1 10 2 0
SLC_interp_S1_TOPS $slave.SLC_tab_cp $slave.slc.par $master.SLC_tab_cp $master.slc.par $master'_'$ $slave.RSLC_tab_cp $slave.rslc $slave.rslc.par
offset_pwr_tracking $master.slc $slave.rslc $master.slc.par $slave.rslc.par $master'_'$ $master'_'$slave.offsB $master'_'$slave.ccpB 256 64 - 1 0.01 10 2 - - - - 4 0 0
offset_tracking $master'_'$slave.offsB $master'_'$slave.ccpB $master.slc.par $master'_'$ $master'_'$slave.disp_mapB - 2 0.05 1
cpx_to_real $master'_'$slave.disp_mapB $master'_'$slave.disp_mapB.real $width_disp 0
cpx_to_real $master'_'$slave.disp_mapB $master'_'$slave.disp_mapB.imag $width_disp 1
cpx_to_real $master'_'$slave.disp_mapB $master'_'$slave.disp_mapB.mag $width_disp 3
This is most simple operation?
Anyone could give some suggestion and refer scripts?
Thank you
Replies (6)
offset tracking trend - Added by Charles Werner about 5 years ago
Here is the link to an example of Sentinel-1 ice tracking with Gamma software!Ag_xahLucCVfiWjAVK_ef9_KhLFq?e=hJoLdO
Best regards,
Charles Werner
RE: offset tracking trend - Added by alain an about 5 years ago
Thanks for your reply. I have refered the Sentnel-1 ice tracking with GAMMA. But the demo is located Greenland and the co-register of image pairs is using S1_coreg_TOPS with dem.
Here I want to use precise orbit to co-register. And I didn't know why use second offset feild and using offset_pwr_tracking2. The function could improve the quality of velocity field.
And demo script 3B section , it look like without co-register and use directly SLC_interp_S1_TOPS function.
############################################################## ##############################################################
- 3B) Alternatively a co-registration simply based on the orbit information,
- using a constant height, without any refinement can be applied. Often
- this may be sufficient for a subsequent offset tracking
/bin/cp inputs/* .
- 20141022: generate mosaic, then generate MLI from this mosaic and visualize
- using a bmp rasterfile
echo "20141022.IW2.slc 20141022.IW2.slc.par 20141022.IW2.slc.TOPS_par" > 20141022.SLC_tab
echo "20141022.IW3.slc 20141022.IW3.slc.par 20141022.IW3.slc.TOPS_par" >> 20141022.SLC_tab
SLC_mosaic_S1_TOPS 20141022.SLC_tab 20141022.slc 20141022.slc.par 10 2
multi_look 20141022.slc 20141022.slc.par 20141022.slc.mli 20141022.slc.mli.par 10 2
raspwr 20141022.slc.mli 4752 1 0 1 1 1. .35 1 20141022.slc.mli.bmp
eog 20141022.slc.mli.bmp &
- -->
- 20141022.slc 20141022.slc.par
- 20141022.slc.mli 20141022.slc.mli.par
- 20141103: generate mosaic, then generate MLI from this mosaic and visualize
echo "20141103.IW2.slc 20141103.IW2.slc.par 20141103.IW2.slc.TOPS_par" > 20141103.SLC_tab
echo "20141103.IW3.slc 20141103.IW3.slc.par 20141103.IW3.slc.TOPS_par" >> 20141103.SLC_tab
SLC_mosaic_S1_TOPS 20141103.SLC_tab 20141103.slc 20141103.slc.par 10 2
multi_look 20141103.slc 20141103.slc.par 20141103.slc.mli 20141103.slc.mli.par 10 2
raspwr 20141103.slc.mli 4752 1 0 1 1 1. .35 1 20141103.slc.mli.bmp
eog 20141103.slc.mli.bmp &
create_offset 20141022.slc.par 20141103.slc.par 1 10 2 0
echo "20141103.IW2.rslc 20141103.IW2.rslc.par 20141103.IW2.rslc.TOPS_par" > 20141103.RSLC_tab
echo "20141103.IW3.rslc 20141103.IW3.rslc.par 20141103.IW3.rslc.TOPS_par" >> 20141103.RSLC_tab
rdc_trans 20141022.slc.mli.par 0.1 20141103.slc.mli.par
SLC_interp_S1_TOPS 20141103.SLC_tab 20141103.slc.par 20141022.SLC_tab 20141022.slc.par 20141103.RSLC_tab 20141103.rslc 20141103.rslc.par
############################################################## ##############################################################
- 4B) offset tracking
- here no oversampling is used in the offset estimation; accordingly it is not necessary to deramped the IWS SLC
- prepare MLI in the geometry of the offset estimates
multi_look 20141022.slc 20141022.slc.par 20141022.mli5 20141022.mli5.par 50 10 0 -
raspwr 20141022.mli5 950 1 0 1 1 1. .2 1 20141022.mli5.bmp
eog 20141022.mli5.bmp
- estimate offset field: window size (256x64) step (50,10)
offset_pwr_tracking 20141022.slc 20141103.rslc 20141022.slc.par 20141103.rslc.par 20141022_20141103.offsB 20141022_20141103.ccpB 256 64 - 1 0.01 50 10 - - - - 4 0 0
- offsets have been stored as complex numbers, with the real part containing range offsets and the imaginary part containing azimuth offsets
cpx_to_real 20141022_20141103.offsB 20141022_20141103.offsB.real 950 0
cpx_to_real 20141022_20141103.offsB 20141022_20141103.offsB.imag 950 1
dishgt 20141022_20141103.offsB.real 20141022.mli5 950 1 1 0 50. 1. .35
dishgt 20141022_20141103.offsB.real 20141022_20141103.ccpB 950 1 1 0 30. 1. .35
dishgt 20141022_20141103.offsB.imag 20141022.mli5 950 1 1 0 50. 1. .35
dishgt 20141022_20141103.offsB.imag 20141022_20141103.ccpB 950 1 1 0 30. 1. .35
rashgt 20141022_20141103.offsB.real 20141022.mli5 950 1 1 0 1 1 50. 1. .35 1 20141022_20141103.offsB.real.bmp
rashgt 20141022_20141103.offsB.imag 20141022.mli5 950 1 1 0 1 1 50. 1. .35 1 20141022_20141103.offsB.imag.bmp
dis2ras 20141022_20141103.offsB.real.bmp 20141022_20141103.offsB.imag.bmp &
- --> there is a significant non-zero overall offset related to not co-registering
- the slave slc correctly to the reference slc (assumed constant height differs
- from real height because of geoid height and topography)
- To subtract this overall offset we use offset_fit and offset_tracking
why it didn't subtract the offset field trend?++**
- we also consider linear trends and use therefore npoly=3
offset_fit 20141022_20141103.offsB 20141022_20141103.ccpB coffs - 0.1 3
- final solution: 77033 offset estimates accepted out of 415150 samples
- final range offset poly. coeff.: 5.47248 6.86100e-05 -1.80798e-05
- final range offset poly. coeff. errors: 2.44556e-03 8.34239e-08 4.45071e-07
- final azimuth offset poly. coeff.: -4.02070 1.23002e-06 -2.14985e-06
- final azimuth offset poly. coeff. errors: 1.58632e-03 5.41132e-08 2.88697e-07
- final model fit std. dev. (samples) range: 0.0615 azimuth: 0.0399
- then we subtract this trend and convert the values to meters in ground range and azimuth
offset_tracking 20141022_20141103.offsB 20141022_20141103.ccpB 20141022.slc.par 20141022_20141103.disp_mapB - 2 0.05 1
cpx_to_real 20141022_20141103.disp_mapB 20141022_20141103.disp_mapB.real 950 0
cpx_to_real 20141022_20141103.disp_mapB 20141022_20141103.disp_mapB.imag 950 1
cpx_to_real 20141022_20141103.disp_mapB 20141022_20141103.disp_mapB.mag 950 3
dishgt 20141022_20141103.disp_mapB.real 20141022.mli5 950 1 1 0 250. 1. .35
dishgt 20141022_20141103.disp_mapB.real 20141022_20141103.ccpB 950 1 1 0 250. 1. .35
dishgt 20141022_20141103.disp_mapB.imag 20141022.mli5 950 1 1 0 250. 1. .35
dishgt 20141022_20141103.disp_mapB.imag 20141022_20141103.ccpB 950 1 1 0 250. 1. .35
dishgt 20141022_20141103.disp_mapB.mag 20141022.mli5 950 1 1 0 250. 1. .35
dishgt 20141022_20141103.disp_mapB.mag 20141022_20141103.ccpB 950 1 1 0 250. 1. .35
rashgt 20141022_20141103.disp_mapB.real 20141022_20141103.ccpB 950 1 1 0 1 1 250. 1. .35 1 20141022_20141103.disp_mapB.real.bmp
rashgt 20141022_20141103.disp_mapB.imag 20141022_20141103.ccpB 950 1 1 0 1 1 250. 1. .35 1 20141022_20141103.disp_mapB.imag.bmp
rashgt 20141022_20141103.disp_mapB.mag 20141022_20141103.ccpB 950 1 1 0 1 1 250. 1. .35 1 20141022_20141103.disp_mapB.mag.bmp
RE: offset tracking trend - Added by Charles Werner about 5 years ago
offset_pwr_tracking2 has the ability to enter an initial offset map, very useful
when working with fast moving glaciers. The initial offset map is (obtained at
lower resolution using large patches),
Then use that map with offset_pwr_tracking2 to then measure offsets with smaller
patches, even if the total displacement is large.
Measuring offsets do not have to be as precise as the coregistration of
Sentinel-1 patches for interferometry.
That is why there is not need for the double-difference interferometry and you
can just use the S1_interp_S1_TOPS program directly.
You could also use the script S1_coreg_TOPS_no_refinement and enter a constant
value for the height map instead of a DEM file name.
Best regards,
RE: offset tracking trend - Added by alain an about 5 years ago
Thanks for your suggestion.
My veocity results have trend due to coregistration or other reason? the velocity values during 12 days is reached to 64m but in reality, the velocity is only 30m. And our results in stable region is 30m.If I subtract the value stable region, we can get the nice results.
Which function I need to use change offset field?
The attachment is my ice velocity field file.!!
To subtract this overall offset we use offset_fit and offset_tracking
we also consider linear trends and use therefore npoly=3
*offset_fit 20141022_20141103.offsB 20141022_20141103.ccpB coffs - 0.1 3
final solution: 77033 offset estimates accepted out of 415150 samples
final range offset poly. coeff.: 5.47248 6.86100e-05 -1.80798e-05
final range offset poly. coeff. errors: 2.44556e-03 8.34239e-08 4.45071e-07
final azimuth offset poly. coeff.: -4.02070 1.23002e-06 -2.14985e-06
final azimuth offset poly. coeff. errors: 1.58632e-03 5.41132e-08 2.88697e-07
final model fit std. dev. (samples) range: 0.0615 azimuth: 0.0399
then we subtract this trend and convert the values to meters in ground range and azimuth
offset_tracking 20141022_20141103.offsB 20141022_20141103.ccpB 20141022.slc.par 20141022_20141103.disp_mapB - 2 0.05 1
velocity field.jpg (84.9 KB) velocity field.jpg |
RE: offset tracking trend - Added by alain an about 5 years ago
SLC_interp_Sq_TOPS function looks like no coregistration and just resample into RSLC